I am a postdoctoral researcher at University of California, San Diego working with Prof. Laurel D. Riek as a part of the Healthcare Robotics Lab.

I completed my PhD in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor advised by Prof. John E. Laird as a part of the Soar lab.

  pramaraj (at) ucsd (dot) edu


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My area of research is Human-Robot Interaction. My research interests lie at the intersection of Human-Robot Interaction, Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics. During my postdoc, I am studying robot roles and improving interaction in a multi-human robot scenario where groups of people and a robot function as a team towards a task.

In my PhD, my focus was on studying non-expert mental models of Interactive Task Learning (ITL) robots in a situated teaching interaction setting. I conducted human participant studies to understand how humans engage in hierarchical task teaching interactions with an ITL robot. I also focused on uncovering the role of robot failures on a non-expert’s mental model of the robot.
